Jennifer Wang 2025
Jennifer is a senior studying Math and Computer Science. She's also a member in Sigma Kappa. Outside of poker club, Jennifer enjoys running along the Charles and spending time with friends!
Thomas Guo 2025
Thomas is a senior descending from Canada, majoring in CS and Math. He’s also a member of Theta Xi, and enjoys playing video games. In his free time, he likes shaking hands and dislikes folding hands.
Naail Lakhani 2025
Naail is a senior studying Mathematics with Computer Science. In his free time, you'll find him playing poker with other committee members or catching the Celtics game with his friends in ZBT.
Nathan Chen 2025
Nathan is a member of the class of 2025 and enjoys programming, poker, and videogames.
Andrew Diaz 2026
Andrew is a junior majoring in Physics and Computer Science. Outside of poker club, he enjoys playing tennis, watching f1, and collecting watches.
Vicky Chen 2026
Vicky is a junior studying 6-9. Outside of poker, she's involved in Ring Committee and HackMIT. In her free time, she enjoys painting and reading yelp reviews.
Annie Wang 2027
annie is a 2027er probably studying cs and math. outside of poker, she's also involved with hackmit and piphi. you'll often find her sipping matcha, karaoking with friends, or listening to yappers yap.
Anish Mudide 2027
Anish is a sophomore studying Math and Computer Science. He is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa and enjoys playing Super Smash Bros.
Michelle Xing 2027
Michelle is a sophomore studying CS and Mathematical Economics. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis and pickleball and walking around Boston with friends.
Ben Bakal 2026
Ben is a junior studying Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is also a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and enjoys cooking, exploring new Thai restaurants, and biking around Boston with friends.
Renee Hong 2027
Renee is a sophomore majoring in Math and Computer Science. She enjoys painting, pilates, and going to Trader Joes. In her free time, she loves exploring new cafes and restaurants in Boston with friends.
David Wei 2028
David is a freshman majoring in math and computer science. Outside of poker club, he is also involved in HMMT and Battlecode. In his free time, David enjoys playing poker, grinding word hunt, and spending time with friends.
Alice Liu 2028
Alice is a freshman studying math and CS. She's also a member of Sigma Kappa and enjoys reading, making matcha lattes, and longboarding.
Jackie Fan 2028
Jackie is a freshman studying Computer Science and Math. In her free time, she enjoys reading and exploring Boston!
Laurie Wang 2028
Laurie is a first-year from the sunshine state (Florida). Her non-poker interests include biotech, art, reading, and old music.