Danny Yuan 2015
Danny founded the club with his friends in 2012. He graduated MIT with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and in Mathematics, and a Masters of Engineering degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Machine Learning. He was an active member of the Poker Society when he studied abroad at the University of Cambridge and a three-time finalist for the MIT Pokerbots Programming Competition. He has played in the WSOP Main Event once and wants to win a bracelet in the future. Previously, he has worked at Goldman Sachs, Google, and Optiver. He is currently founder and CEO of 8Blocks Capital.
Martin Ma 2016
Martin is a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Management Science and Economics. He is interested in the trading industry and did an internship at Susquehanna International Group (SIG), learning about equity options and playing a lot of poker. He has also interned at Altimeter Capital Management as a hedge fund summer analyst and Morgan Stanley as a fixed income strats summer analyst. In his free time, he enjoys watching and playing sports, Pokemon, and hanging out with his frat, Pi Lambda Phi.
Kevin Wen 2016
Kevin graduated in 2016 with a major in computer science. At MIT, Kevin also served as the president and organizer of MIT Pokerbots starting back in 2014. He interned at SIG in 2015 before joining them full time as an index trader in 2017.
Dion Low 2016
Dion is a senior majoring in Computer Science. He is one of the MIT Poker Club founding members back in 2012 with just 5 people. On campus, he is also co-presidents for the Korean Student Association and he has dabbled in robotics and machine vision during IAP Hong Kong. During his summers he has traveled over Southeast Asia while interning for start-up environments in Singapore as well as taking a position in cyber security at Accenture. Dion enjoys scuba diving, swimming, deep tissue massage, photography, dancing, and hanging out with his bros at Phi Beta Epsilon
David Zheng 2018
David graduated in 2018 with a major in computer science and an MEng in artificial intelligence under Prof. Joshua B. Tenenbaum. Since then, David has been working as an algo developer at Hudson River Trading.
Kevin Liu 2018
Kevin graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2018 and an M.Eng. in Computer Engineering in 2019. He now works as a trader at Five Rings Capital in New York City alongside Jeffrey. In his free time, he enjoys reading, hiking, and playing tennis. Kevin also enjoys playing online high-stakes play-money poker. He hopes to participate in the WSOP someday.
Annie Chen 2018
Annie served as one of MPC's 2016-2017 Co-Presidents. She graduated with an Economics major and a Management minor. She is currently an Associate Consultant at Semler Brossy Consulting Group in NYC. Previously, she has TA’d 15.665 and interned at Booz Allen Hamilton. She enjoys traveling, running, tennis, hiking, cooking, and hanging out with friends or puppies.
Linh Nguyen 2018
Linh graduated with a major in Chemical Engineering and a minor in Music. She was involved in AIChE and Energy Club and also impulsively joined Dance Troupe and the Senegalese Drumming Ensemble her senior year. Linh is currently living in the SF Bay Area and working for Chevron on process development of petroleum additives. In her free time, she likes to compose and arrange jazz music, play tennis, and brew her own beer. She also loves to travel and ran away to Europe for 2 months after graduating!
Jeffrey Lu 2018
Jeffrey graduated with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics. He is currently working full-time as a software developer at Five Rings Capital in New York City (with fellow alum Kevin Liu!). In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, whether that entails playing board games or traveling to exotic places (Brooklyn) to get dim sum. He also enjoys swimming and cooking on a regular basis.
Joanne Lee 2019
Joanne graduated in 2019 with a degree in 6-3. Prior to graduating, she interned at Google, Jane Street, and Broadway Technologies, but she is now working full time in San Francisco as a software engineer at Plaid Inc. In her free time, she likes playing poker (duh), rock climbing, cooking and traveling. Feel free to find her if you're ever in the Bay area!
Rick Huang 2019
Rick is a recent graduate who majored in Computer Science and minored in Math. Currently, he lives in the Bay Area, working as an engineer at Nuro. Other than continuing to play poker, he enjoys lifting, playing board games, and recently started getting into martial arts.
Tiancheng Qin 2020
TC graduated in 2020 with a double major in Math and Computer Science, and is now working full time at Jane Street. Aside from poker, TC enjoys beatboxing, rock climbing, and playing all sorts of card games and puzzles!
Allen Cheng 2020
Allen graduated in 2020 with a BS in 8 and 14-2 and a minor in IDS. He currently lives in New York City, working as a researcher at Two Sigma. Besides poker, Allen enjoys fitness, chess, and football analysis. Catch him in the city sometime!
Eric Qian 2021
Eric is a senior majoring in Computer Science. In his free time, Eric enjoys reading, playing volleyball, and travelling with his friends. Recently, he’s picked up computer vision research and learning history. He hopes to start his own tech company one day in the future.
Sarah Wang 2021
Sarah is a senior majoring in Math and Computer Science and minoring in Economics. Other than poker, she enjoys eating, food, hiking, the beach, board games, and travelling the world! She spent this past summer in NYC, and she lives in Seattle!
Emily Xie 2021
Emily is a senior, double majoring in Physics and Math with a HASS Concentration in Music. Aside from poker, Emily enjoys reading, singing, ping pong, watching movies, and all sorts of card games and puzzles!
Michael Zhao 2021
Michael is a senior from New Jersey majoring in Economics with minors in Finance and Literature. Outside of poker, he enjoys playing tennis, hiking, and playing strategy games like Settlers of Catan. He will be working in private equity in NYC after graduating.
Wendy Yin 2022
Wendy is a senior majoring in Computer Science and Economics. She is also a member of Asian Dance Team, Ridonkulous, DanceTroupe, and Pi Phi. Aside from poker, she enjoys dancing, playing piano, reading, and journalling.
Daniel Sun 2022
Daniel is a junior majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. Outside of poker, Daniel enjoys playing Magic the Gathering, rock climbing, and urban exploring. In the future, Daniel plans to either go into AI research or work at a startup.
Anthony Nardomarino 2022
Anthony is a junior majoring in EECS with a focus in Neuroengineering. Besides Poker, he loves listening to music from the 60s, trying to play any stringed instrument you can find, and telling people about how horseracing is an untapped market.
David Wu 2022
David is a junior majoring in Math and Computer Science (in that order). When he's not busy saving the world with math, he's a lover of dance, sci-fi, and good food. He also enjoys curating seasonal playlists on his Spotify; his favorite artists include Overwerk and Vicetone
William Cuozzo 2022
Will is a junior majoring in Physics and Computer Science. He is also a member of the Chess Club, Machine Intelligence Community, and Zeta Psi. Aside from poker, he enjoys running and playing pickup basketball.
Kevin Jiang 2022
Kevin is a junior majoring in Computer Science. In addition to his love for poker, he enjoys Taekwondo, meditation, and entrepreneurship.
Carl Wei 2023
Carl is an exchange student from London School of Economics majoring in Statistics. He's a junior by American standards. Outside of poker, he likes watching films, playing ping pong and tennis, and enjoying nice food with friends.
Ryan Kim 2023
Ryan is a sophomore studying CS and Math. Besides poker, he likes singing, playing guitar, watching American Ninja Warrior, and doing spontaneous things with friends!
Robert Cunningham 2023
Robert officially studies math and physics, but actually takes whatever classes he finds interesting across several departments. In his spare time, he enjoys asking questions, longboarding, and learning about learning.
Megha Maran 2023
Megha is a junior majoring in Computer Science and Business Analytics. She is on MIT’s Varsity dive team. Outside of poker, she enjoys listening to music, spending time with friends, and eating good food.
Allen Wang 2023
Allen is a junior studying math and cs. On committee, Allen does web things, design subcommittee tasks, and lots of logistics! Allen's favorite thing about Committee is being around super motivated and supportive individuals who always have interesting tidbits of their lives to share. Outside of poker club, Allen is involved in HackMIT and MIT Science Olympiad. In his free time, he likes to read, reflect, and write.
Isaac Zhang 2023
Isaac is currently a sophomore majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. He is also a member of Dance Troupe and ZBT. Outside of poker, Isaac loves listening to music and he enjoys talking about music with other people. His current favorite artists are Pink Floyd, Ween, Led Zeppelin, and Michael Jackson. In the future, Isaac wants to make money by gambling.
Lauren Li 2023
Lauren is a sophomore majoring in Physics and Mathematics. She researches single-cell genomics, plays violin in the MIT Symphony Orchestra and is on the Asian Dance Team. Aside from Poker, she also enjoys climbing trees and creating the occasional meme.
Allen Ding 2024
Allen is a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. On committee, Allen does a lot of long term ideation and back end logistics, and loves spending time with the rest of the committee! Outside of Poker Club, Allen is also involved with the Collegiate Series of Poker, Web Lab, Asian Dance Team, and is a member of Zeta Beta Tau. In his free time, he likes to read, longboard, and play volleyball — and sometimes does all 3 at once.
Eric Wang 2024
Eric graduated in 2024 and studied Computer Science with interests in performance engineering, compilers, and systems engineering. In his free time, he enjoys exploring restaurants with friends and running around at night.
Michelle Li 2024
Michelle graduated in 2024 majoring in computer science and dabbling in mathematics. She was also a member of class council and pi phi. When she's not busy raking in wins from poker, she loves curating her spotify playlists, playing tennis, and trying to grow basil for the third time.
Penny Tan 2024
Justin Shan 2025
Justin is a senior majoring in CS and Neuroscience. Outside of Poker Club, he enjoys trying his hand at puzzle hunts and gushing about Christopher Nolan movies.
Dylan Robinson 2025
Dylan is a senior from Hong Kong majoring in Physics and Mathematical Economics. He’s also a member of Phi Sigma Kappa and is on the lightweight rowing team. In his free time, he enjoys watching rugby, cooking, and hanging out with friends.